Friday, October 19, 2012

Risky online behavior

1. I met him at summer camp.
2. Yes he his but not that much 10 years.
3. yes because he doesn't want parents to trip.
4. Nope

5. Yes because he is way to old for her.
6. Because she knows the truth that he is to old for her.
7. It need to end because she is being manipulated.

I would tell this girl that she needs to let this kook go. Just because he is old doesn't mean he is cool he probably  is a weird kid that sits in the class room and doesn't talk to any one and i mean c'mon who would still go to summer camps at his age. The dudes a petifile you need to get over him.

  • Change it up. If something feels like it might be getting risky, it probably is. But if you're not sure, try changing the subject, making a joke, or saying you want to talk about something else. If you still feel pressured by or uncomfortable with the situation, you need to take further action.
  • Log off or quit. You need to remember that at any time you can just stop typing and log off if a conversation gets uncomfortable online. You can also take action to block or report another user or create a new account - whether for email, IM, or a virtual world- to avoid contact with that person again.
  • Know that it's okay to feel embarrassed or confused. It's not always easy to make sense of situations that make you feel uncomfortable online. Nor is it easy to ask for help if you feel embarrassed about what you've experienced. These feelings are normal, and it's okay to talk about them.
  • Talk to a friend or a trusted adult. Don't be afraid to reach out. Even if you feel you can handle a tricky situation alone, it's always a good idea to turn to friends, parents, teachers, coaches, and counselors for support.
  • Petifile. If the due goes or still works at a summer camp he most likely a petifile. 
  • Dont trust him if he asks for nudes. That is a dead give away if he asks for those pics because he isn't into you he just wants to see you naked 

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